Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Diary 4/23 The Holodeck... the first day

It's been my fantasy to have a "Holodeck"  where I can program it for the experience I want to have, and be the age I want to be... have the experience, not having all the memories and faculties of my current self, but self aware enough that I can end the scene just by saying, "Holodeck, Terminate."

So, this fantasy has me at the Holodeck. I've programmed it to a place and time, when I'm in my mid-twenties, working on my math doctoral thesis, and following a suggestion to spend a summer at a gentleman's house, the gentleman being well-known for helping students in such matters,  and has a large library of math books in his home.

The scene begins at his secluded, country home, around noon.
 He opened the door, we talked, I'm inside.

"Now, pick up your bags, and I'll show you your room."
I followed him down the hall, entered a large bedroom, and put my bags down.
"Now, I'll show you the library."  We walked on down the hall, and entered the library...wall to wall books on three sides, a large table sufficient for working and studying.
"You should be able to get much work done."
"I'm sure."
"Address me as Sir, always."
"Oh...yes.. Sir."
"I will put you on schedule, so you don't overwork, and do other things to clear your mind."
"Yes, Sir."
"Now, go back to your room, take off your clothes, and come to me in the living room."
"Um...  Sir?"
"How else can I say it? Strip...naked...  and report to me in the living room."
"Uh...yes, Sir."
He walked on down, to the living room, and I went to my room, and slowly undressed, while wondering, "What the hell..."
Then I went to the living room, where he was seated.
"Stop right there, and stand."
I did so.
"You are more vulnerable this way, and I know that I have your complete attention.  I will regulate your schedule.  There will be early morning chores, followed by time for thesis work.  Then lunch.  More thesis work.  Then a break, when I get home from the office.  Dinner, chores,  thesis work, bed.
Saturdays, thesis work morning only, up to lunch.  Then you'll get away from it, all day, and Sunday. You'll have plenty of other things to do instead.
There will be discipline, in general, and harsher punishment for disobedience.  Once of the largest distractions from getting work done is mindless tv viewing. There will be none of that. Another distraction happens when your hand goes to to your cock.  I'll show you how I deal with that.  Understand?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Let's begin. Bring me that bath brush."
"Did you hear me?"
"Yes..Sir."   I turned and picked up the bath brush, laying on a table, and stepped to him, handed it to him.
"First, I'm going to relax you a bit.  Sit down, right there, lean back, spread your legs."
I did so, and watched him put a latex glove on his right hand, then he started stroking my cock, and inserted finger in my anus...
I moaned as my cum spurted out,  and he grabbed a specimen cup to catch what he could.
"Stand up," he said, and I did so on weak legs, and he handed me a towel, to wipe up with.
"Down, over my lap."
I bent down, and went over his lap, my feet to his right, my hands on the ground to his left.
And he begin applying the brush in hard strokes to my buttocks.
I was moaning and sobbing, when he finally stopped.
"Now get up, and go to that corner, and stand until I say so, and reflect on what I've told you."
I slowly go up, and went and stood there.
After some minutes, he called me to him.   I went to him, and he said, "I saw you rubbing it while you were standing there. You do not ever have permission to do so, while in the corner. Your hands should be at your side, or if it helps, on your head or behind your neck.  Let's start again.  Bring me that paddle, and get over my knee."
My mouth dropped open to protest, then closed. I fetched the paddle and went over his knee.

I moaned and sobbed, and when he stopped, he said, "That was the do-over for screwing up the first one. Now is the punishment. Reach up with your hands and spread your cheeks.
I did so, and

...while I sobbed some more.
"Now, get up, stand with your back to me, and wiggle your bottom."
Slowly, I got up and wiggled.
"Wonderful," he said. "That color is good on you. Now, go to the corner, see if you can get it right."
I went to the corner, and stood, motionless.

After a while, he came up behind me, and said, "Put this on."
It was a nude/beige long shirt or slip, with an open bottom.
I put it on.

"This, and ones like it, will be your only daily wear..along with other devices to keep your base desires in check.  I'm going to start working on dinner, you should go square away your room, prepare things in the library, etc.  Do not get involved in work, there'll be time after dinner.  Be in the dining room at 5."
"Yes, Sir."
"And if you  feel the need to rub, do it out of my sight."
"Yes, Sir."
I went on down the hall, and did as ordered.
At 5, I was in the dining room, and he put down dishes, and we ate, and he spelled out the chores I would be performing, in the course of any day time.
We finished, and he said, "Now you have cleanup and dish duty, then you can go to the library, and start working.  But, watch the time, I will enter your bed room at 10 p.m., and expect to see you there, naked, and standing at attention."
"Yes, Sir."
Time flies when you're having fun.

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